Sometimes we rush and sometimes we wait. There are times being impulsive pays off in big ways even for small moves. Then there are small moves that we wait forever to make and therefore never really experience satisfaction from. I am a huge believer in timing. My own relationship with Boudoir Photography Pittsburgh changes every […]
When we went into lockdown, there were fantastic and unexpected benefits for me. I was able to clean out my closets. Whittle down my stack of papers that gets taller everyday. I got to enjoy my teenagers. My dog finally got the attention she deserves. It was really lovely to be still for a while. […]
this exercise is all about mindfulness and focusing on the present moment. Once you remove your energy from the negative stressors and on to enjoying the moment. That anxiety starts to release, and you are able to relax. You can incorporate all of the senses when you are trying to ground yourself, it’s completely up to you with what you need.
Most of the time when we set aside time for ourselves, we are accompanied by some guilt. Those voices tend to tell us illogical thoughts like “ You don’t deserve to take a break” or “ you could be doing something more productive”. Which then ends up circulating in our brains for the duration of the self-care event, causing you to stress out while you’re trying to relax.