Pittsburgh Boudoir Photography, Permission to feel
I caught myself in the middle of one of my favorite ways to waste time, lingerie shopping. I was scrolling my favorite lingerie website, www.playfulpromises.com because they had dropped a sales email into my inbox that offered a free panty when the matching bra was purchased. Before I knew it was searching 32G, my bra size. This is one of the reasons I love Playful Promises, they have a huge variety of sizes that I can’t find anywhere else. Soon the bra, the free panty, the garter belt and the stockings that I have been waiting to come back into stock were in my cart. In total I spent 42 minutes scrolling and searching.
I justified the lapsed time by creating an entire evening around the wearing of the lingerie. I thought about what it would be like to put the lingerie on, to unveil the lingerie, how I would feel whilst wearing the lingerie. I even created a memory about the time spent in the lingerie during the night. How crazy does that sound? I created a memory of a fantasy?

I closed the cart.
The panty offer expired.
The total for the items in my cart increased by 30 dollars.
The night never happened, the unveiling, the time, the memory…never happened but in actuality a lot did happen in those 42 minutes.
I indulged my feelings. I allowed myself to feel. That is the significant part. I felt.
We focus on the doing, or at least I do. I own a business, I am a single mom. There is a lot of delegating, communicating and getting done. Not much room is left for feeling. I listen to business podcasts while I drive or walk the dog. I set my iPad up next to the tub playing webinars. I read while I am in bathrooms and waiting areas. There is no just being, let alone just feeling.

The email was an invitation into feeling. For 42 minutes I let my curiosity click link after link, I imagined myself as the wearer of the beautiful lingerie. I thought about feeling sensual in my body. I held a vision of being desired after unveiling my nights wardrobe. I created scenarios of how each option would make me feel; demure, powerful, kinky etc.
I think a lot of women search for boudoir photographers for the exact same reason. There is a craving to feel. Feelings are very much like water, they can splash and whip about causing damage or they can be so still you can forget they are there until you experience a ripple. Lovers can impact your waters, either inspiring crashing waves or stagnating, leaving you wondering. So many women say to me something is missing, I just don’t know what it is, that is why I am here. I want to connect back to myself and my body. I want to witness my self. I want to give myself the feelings I can’t find outside of myself. I think this is where I am finding myself as of late. And those 42 minutes inspired me to connect to the need to feel more than do. I have a ton of lingerie. Most of it never worn, never enjoyed but the feeling that I experience when I shop for it is delighting to me.
Anticipation is my favorite feeling. The moment before a kiss, the unwrapping of the present…….
Perhaps you are here, right now, having the same experience that I did envisioning myself as sensual ingenue in the most beautiful of lingerie; except you are imagining yourself as a woman who doesn’t need to to find an excuse to do something for herself, to connect to her sexuality or talks herself out of buying the damn lingerie to have the boudoir photoshoot.
You might need to revisit our Pittsburgh boudoir photography website a few times before you use the contact form to get more information and that is perfectly ok with me. Just make yourself a promise to lean into the feelings a little more and the doing of things a little less.
I am going to go buy the lingerie https://us.playfulpromises.com/products/playful-promises-ramona-teal-strap-detail-illusion-mesh-bra , trust the whole website is nothing but goodness and boudoir shoot inspiration.
You can book the shoot here https://thegirlfriendexperienceboudoir.com/contact