We could all stand to be a little more bold

Sometimes we rush and sometimes we wait. There are times being impulsive pays off in big ways even for small moves. Then there are small moves that we wait forever to make and therefore never really experience satisfaction from. I am a huge believer in timing. My own relationship with Boudoir Photography Pittsburgh changes every season. I can look at my work at any given time and tell you what I was experiencing. There are learning phases, creative phases, sustaining phases, frustrating phases and even stagnant phases.

“We tell ourselves stories in order to live. We live entirely by the impression of a narrative line upon disparate images, the shifting phantasmagoria, which is our actual experience.”
― Joan Didion
There is never going to be a mystical moment where you will arrive at a feeling of exactly as you wish to feel. Where you will look exactly as you dream to look or where you will have all that you have longed for. Those are the things you look backward to realize. I feel it is my special gift to hurry you along the path of realization and show you that this moment, this body, adorned or not is at a place that you will one day realize was worthy of appreciation.
A client recently told me she first came across my work 6 years ago. Just like you she probably typed Boudoir Photography Pittsburgh into her Google search bar. Dove deep into some websites, followed a few Facebook or Instagram pages and ultimately talked herself out of the boudoir photography experience all together. But the seed had been planted and when the timing felt right she reached out to us book a session.

When she looks back in 6 more years time, I hope she is proud of herself for doing something that made her nervous for so long. I hope she sees where she was during this time of her life and appreciates that small moves that got her here and ultimately realizes what once seemed like an impulsive decision became cornerstone to appreciating herself in band new ways.