Four Tips to Rock Your Boudoir Shoot 

If you bring lingerie, make sure you love it. I mean like seriously fucking love it. It is so amazing you absolutely have to wear it and would fight me on it if I said its a no. If it is just ‘meh’ leave that lukewarm crap at home. This is where most of my clients get stumped!! Lingerie just isn’t part of our clothing foundations anymore. So most of us don’t know what we like, what fits well or even where to find it. I am your best resource for this. Use me, Girlfriends! I am here for you. In fact I created a really fun and simple quiz that might give you some insight into what your lingerie style might be and give you some jumping off points to help you find your lingerie style!


To The Husband Who Isn’t Sure What To Make Of All Of This…


In my experience as a boudoir photographer, I’ve run into three different kinds of partners: the type that is over-the-moon gung-ho about having sensual images of their wife, the type who is extremely resistant to the idea, and the type that isn’t quite so sure what to make of it all. If you fall into the latter two camps, I ask you to read through the below reasons why having boudoir pictures of your wife is actually pretty amazing.

The Girlfriend Experience Boudoir, Pittsburgh Boudoir Photography

I don’t think you can either hate yourself or love yourself to a point of returning to health but I do think you can work on accepting where you have a weakness, like being kinder to your body or appreciating your body and progressing forward from there.


Let’s get grounded, The Girlfriend Experience Boudoir, Pittsburgh Boudoir Photography


this exercise is all about mindfulness and focusing on the present moment. Once you remove your energy from the negative stressors and on to enjoying the moment. That anxiety starts to release, and you are able to relax. You can incorporate all of the senses when you are trying to ground yourself, it’s completely up to you with what you need.

Feeling guilty about doing something for yourself, The Girlfriend Experience Boudoir, Pittsburg Boudoir Photography,

Most of the time when we set aside time for ourselves, we are accompanied by some guilt. Those voices tend to tell us illogical thoughts like “ You don’t deserve to take a break” or “ you could be doing something more productive”. Which then ends up circulating in our brains for the duration of the self-care event, causing you to stress out while you’re trying to relax.


The Girlfriend Experience Boudoir, Pittsburg Boudoir Photography


The deposit to book your Pittsburgh Boudoir shoot with The Girlfriend Experience Boudoir is the lowest lowest in our history. Come on in to book your shoot for 50 bucks and get more info!

Pittsburgh Boudoir Photography, Boudoir Photography Pittsburgh, The Best Damn Boudoir

The holiday slam will soon be here and I’ll go quiet again so for now….Enjoy these beautiful photographs. That is what you’re here for anyway!

These are NSFW


The Girlfriend Experience Boudoir, Pittsburgh Boudoir Photography


“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.”
Ansel Adams

Pittsburgh Boudoir Photography, Boudoir Photography Pittsburgh, The Best Damn Boudoir

You might not like what I have to say. I have all the feels and when this happens I have a tendency to burn down bridges.


Where did Steff/The GFE Go? Pittsburgh’s Best Boudoir Photography


I am still here. I just haven’t been doing the things I should be doing. This is going to change. I don’t know when I will be back to shooting but we will keep you as updated as possible. May is at capacity. It is past capacity. So lets hope we get this curve flattened and we can get back to living a bit more of a conscious life and hope to see more normalcy.