Capturing Confidence: The Goal of Boudoir Photography

Boudoir Photography

Struggling with self-confidence is an epidemic. We’re constantly bombarded with filtered images of beautiful people and the constant drag on life. It’s no wonder that capturing confidence in photographs seems impossible. Too many people believe they are not photogenic, and their confidence plummets when they hear negative feedback. Before they know it, they are in a self-shame cycle that could rival the earth’s very rotation. 

The goal of boudoir photography isn’t just sexy photos in your best lingerie. Instead, capturing confidence is our main objective. It doesn’t matter your shape, size, or gender. Confidence is not about the vessel you have, rather the inner joy of being in the moment. 

If you have been hesitant to step outside your comfort zone because you believe you don’t photograph well, this article is for you. You have our permission to let go of your insecurities and embrace your confidence. Because the goal of boudoir photography is to give you confidence, one photograph at a time.

What is Confidence, Anyway?

Have you ever attended an event and watched someone laugh with abandon? Maybe their head was thrown back, maybe they were clutching a drink in their hand, but damn, you wish you could just let go like they did. It’s loud at the event, but even from across the room, you can hear their laughter. It’s one of those boisterous ones, the kind that makes everyone around them join in because it’s just so contagious.

Capturing confidence is exactly the moment when you’re the center of attention. You are feeling on top of the world. Confidence is self-assurance. It’s knowing that you’re safe to be yourself in a sea full of people trying to fit in. We all have our own opinions, beliefs, and behaviors. Confidence is being unapologetic in your authenticity. How boring would the world be if we had to all be carbon copies of each other?

How do I become more comfortable?

It’s easy to say you should be yourself, but when you are used to masking yourself or making yourself smaller to fit into society, this advice seems empty. Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules for getting more comfortable in your own skin. Because the guidelines seem fragile, it’s time for some unlearning.

Can you remember where your masking stemmed from? Maybe family, maybe the schoolyard bully. But at some point, you were made to feel that your own big emotions outshone those around you and it was bad. Now, you are responsible for digging your way out of those preconceived notions and into your new, more confident self. You may choose to start small and intimate in your journey.

The goal of boudoir photography is to bring out your confidence. It’s hard not to when you’re vulnerable. We’re professionals who are great at reading the room. We know how to talk you up, teach you the best ways to pose so that your expressions shine through. Because we see you and want you to see yourself the way we do.

The Goal of Boudoir Photography

We’ve covered some of the common misconceptions of boudoir photography before. Instead, let’s get down to the nitty gritty. The goal of boudoir photography is to embrace vulnerability and build confidence. We want you to walk into your session feeling good, and leave feeling even better. To know you have a team of professionals behind you to pamper you, hype you up, and give you an unforgettable experience.

We do this in several ways. First, when you book your appointment, you will be emailed a packet with all the details to expect for your shoot. It includes self-care guides for you leading up to the big day. And yeah, we understand that self-care isn’t the only thing we can do to make us feel more confident, but knowing you are focusing on yourself up to the shoot helps build confidence, boost the health of your largest organ (your skin), and give some of your precious time back to yourself.

Second, upon your booking date, you’ll get pampered with hair and make-up to start, followed by an incredible session of being hyped up. Our words aren’t empty. Words are important, and as many of us know, can be the difference between confidence and deflated confidence. We want you to know that your body is yours. No matter the size or the confidence you have in your own looks, you’re allowed to take up space and exist in the world exactly as you are.

We want you to walk out of our studio feeling the best you have in recent memory. Of course, we take photographs and you get your copies, but more than that, boudoir is a luxury experience that you deserve. We hope it gives you a jump-start to living more confidently.
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